Introduction to scripts

What is a VAN script? 

A "script" refers to what users see in VAN while speaking to voters. Scripts are created in VAN then assigned to lists and Virtual Phone Banks for canvassers to reference and record data through. 

Scripts are made up of text and "elements," like Survey Questions, allowing canvassers to use scripts to record information they receive from voters, such as whether they are a Democrat. When making a script, you can select which elements to include! Creating your own script allows you to include your own Survey Questions, customize the language, or build it around a specific purpose (e.g. asking voters what issues matter most). If you're in a hurry, you can instead use one of the already-made TDP scripts shared with your committee instead.

When do I need a script? 

In order to set up a Virtual Phone Bank, canvass using MiniVAN, or even set up printed lists for paper canvassing, you'll need a script. Most data in VAN is collected through scripts, and building scripts is one of the most important VAN skills to learn.

Creating scripts

Getting started

To begin creating your script, you'll need to navigate to the Scripts page in VAN under the Administrative Menu. The Scripts page in VAN is available to users with permissions at Texas (5) or above. 

You'll then see a Scripts page with several options. To get started, select Add New Script in the top right.

Building your script

You'll first need to provide a Name and Description for your script, then select Next. On the following page, you'll see several options, but you'll need to find Add Script Element towards the middle of the page to get started. 

To start your script, it's best to open with some sort of introduction! Think about how you'd like your canvassers to greet a voter over the phone or at the door, then type it under Text in the Add Script Element section. Once you've finished, select Add to include the text in your script.  

Once you've added your introductions, it's then time to add elements. For my example script, I want to find if the voter is a Democrat! Therefore, I'll want to start with the Survey Question 2022 Party: XCmty Dem Support to see if the voter supports the Democratic Party. Under Survey Question, I'll need to find the SQ I need, then select Add. It will then appear in your Linear Script Preview, as shown below.

For your own script, you can add as much text or as many elements as you need. For instance, you might want to add 2022 Volunteer: XCmty VolDelRegAsk to inquire if a voter would like to become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, or 2022 Issue: XCmty Issues Pref to see which political issues matter most to them. Once finished, you'll then be able to Save!

Before you're completely done, check out our guide to Canvass Result Options in VAN Script here. By default, Phone and Walk options are enabled, but for specific voter contact efforts or to customize your responses, you'll need to edit these categories.      

Leveling up your scripts

Once you're more comfortable with creating scripts, you'll want to try to create a Branched Script. We have a complete guide to that process here.