Hope you're doing well and taking some time to relax after Saturday's election. We have a few quick updates and things to make you aware of as we wrap up this election.

May 2021 Voting History
We've already started requesting full May 2021 Voting History from counties (since this data is not recorded by the Secretary of State). Here is a list of all of the counties we are proactively contacting -- if your county had a May 1, 2021 election and is not on this list, please submit a help ticket and we'll add them.

Additionally, if you have the VUIDs of voters who voted in your election -- inlcuding Election Day -- from your city or county, please send them along and we will get them loaded into VAN!

Continued VAN Access for Runoff Candidates
All campaigns with a runoff will retain VAN access through the runoff election -- you do not need to request VAN again, and your access will not be interrupted.

Survey Questions for Runoff Candidates
If you're in a runoff, feel free to continue using your "NPartisanID" SQ, or submit a help ticket to request a new ID SQ for your runoff campaign. We can also add/edit the responses on your existing SQ if you'd prefer.

Early Voters still suppressed in VAN
We'll be clearing out the Early Voting suppression (and changing the date to the June runoff) next week, but for now, all lists you create in VAN will automatically exclude people that voted early in the May 1 election. If you do not want to exclude these early voters, navigate to the "Early Voting" section on Create A List and uncheck the "Exclude people who have early voted or absentee" checkbox.

Note that while the election title is "Nonpartisan Municipal Election" this also includes early voters in the CD-6 May 1 special election.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to our team at txdem.co/van-help or email vanhelp@txdemocrats.org.


TDP Data Team