2022 TDP Scripts

Note: These scripts are recommended for County Parties and anyone who want to do general Democratic identification amongst different groups

These are not for candidate campaign who are trying to identify support for a specific candidate—if that is the case, please see below to create scripts

*2022 General TDP Vote By Mail Application Chase Script 

Hi, is ______ available? This is ____ with the Texas Democratic Party.

I’m calling about the upcoming November election.

Survey Question: Can we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?

1 - Strong Democrat

2 - Lean Democrat

3 - Undecided

4 - Lean GOP

5 - Strong GOP

Ticket Splitter

Ticket Splitter - D

Ticket Splitter - R

3rd P/Independent

[1 or 2 - Strong or Lean Democrat]: Great! Because you are eligible to vote by mail, the Texas Democratic Party is sending you a Mail Ballot Request Form for the November election.

[3-5 - Undecided/Lean GOP/Strong GOP] Ok, thank you for your time. Have a nice day.

[Ticket Splitter/3rd P/Independent] Ok, thank you for your time. Have a nice day.

Survey Question: Have you received your mail-ballot request form?




[Yes] - Go to next question.

[No or Unsure]

Ok, it should have arrived by now. Next time you check your mail, if it's not there and you'd like to vote by mail in this upcoming election, you can request another Mail Ballot Request Form at: txdem.co/vbmapp. When you get the application, be sure to add the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number and your Driver’s License Number. And include your phone number so the elections office can reach you if they have any questions. We recommend getting that in the mail right away – definitely before October 14th.

Survey Question: Have you filled in and mailed back your Mail Ballot Request Form for the 2022 election cycle?



No - voting Early

No - voting Eday

Other -Already Req

[Yes] Great!

[No] Be sure to add the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number and your Driver’s License Number. And include your phone number so the elections office can reach you if they have any questions. We recommend getting that in the mail right away – definitely before October 14th. Do you have any questions about the application or voting by mail?

[No - voting Early/EDay] I understand. We suggest planning to vote during early voting, which will start on October 24th and run through November 4th.

[Other] Great. Thank you for being a reliable voter. Have a good rest of your day!

Thank you for being a reliable voter. Have a good rest of your day!

*2022 TDP Vote By Mail Application Chase Script (linear)

Hi, is [voter name] available?

Hi, [voter name]! My name is _____ and I’m a volunteer with the Texas Democratic Party. I’m calling to follow up about the Vote By Mail application we mailed you recently.

How are you doing today?

Survey Question: Can we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?

1 - Strong Democrat

2 - Lean Democrat

3 - Undecided

4 - Lean GOP

5 - Strong GOP

Ticket Splitter

Ticket Splitter - D

Ticket Splitter - R

3rd P/Independent

If Undecided / GOP / Ticket Splitter: Thanks for your time. Have a nice day!

If Democrat: [continue with script]

Great! The Texas Democratic Party has sent you a Vote By Mail application for the 2022 election since you are eligible to vote by mail.

Survey Question: Have you received your mail-ballot request form?




If hasn't received ballot: No worries. You can also request that we mail you an application from our website. I can give you the link now, let me know when you’re ready to write it down.

txdem.co/vbmapp (that’s T-X-D-E-M dot C-O, not dot com, slash V-B-M-A-P-P)

Thank you for your time, it was nice talking to you. Have a good rest of your day! [end call]

If has received ballot: [continue with script]

Survey Question: Have you filled in and mailed back your Mail Ballot Request Form for the 2022 election cycle?



No - voting Early

No - voting Eday

Other -Already Req

If yes: That’s great to hear – thanks for letting me know. You can track the status of your mail ballot application and your ballot at: txdem.co/vbmstatus (that’s T-X-D-E-M dot C-O, not dot com, slash V-B-M-S-T-A-T-U-S)

Do you have any questions about voting by mail?

FAQ sheet to help you answer their questions at: https://txdems.co/2022-vbm-chase-faqs

And they can always call: 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837)

If no: When you fill that out, a new state law requires you to include your driver’s license or state ID number on the application, if you have one. Please don’t forget to do that!

There’s also a place for the last four digits of your Social Security Number – we’d suggest including both your ID number and the last four of your Social just to be safe and avoid any issues. (But if you don’t have a DPS ID, just include the last 4 of your Social.)

If voting in person (Early or on Election Day): Thanks for letting me know. Have a nice rest of your day!

Wrap up: Thank you for your time, it was nice talking to you. Have a good rest of your day!

*2021 Basic Voter Contact ID Script - Linear

Hi, is *voter name* available?

Hi, *voter name*! My name is _____ and I’m a volunteer with __________, talking to people in the community about the upcoming local election. How are you doing today?

Survey Question: Can we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?

1 - Strong Democrat

2 - Lean Democrat

3 - Undecided

4 - Lean GOP

5 - Strong GOP

Ticket Splitter

Ticket Splitter - D

Ticket Splitter - R

3rd P/Independent

[IF UNDECIDED] I understand -- who you vote for is a huge decision, and there is a lot on the line this year. I’m supporting Democrats because … [state why you’re voting for Democrats. Some examples: they’ll prioritize vaccinating our vulnerable populations from COVID, they’ll support our teachers, or they’ll protect our parks and fix our roads]

Do you have any questions about what Democrats are fighting for? [answer questions to the best of your ability]

Thanks for your time today, it was nice talking to you. Have a great rest of your day!

[IF REPUBLICAN] I understand, thanks for letting me know. It was nice talking to you. Have a great rest of your day!

[IF DEMOCRAT] Awesome! Glad to hear that we can count on you. One of the most important things you can do to prepare to vote is make a plan to vote.

Survey Question: What is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?    

Will vote,no plan

Early Vote

Election Day

Req VBM - 65+

Req VBM - Disbaility


Req VBM - jail


Not voting

[IF UNSURE/NO PLAN] Not a problem, we’re still a ways out from the election, I know it’s pretty early to start thinking about it. The most important thing to consider right now is if you’ll be voting by MAIL, EARLY in-person, or on ELECTION DAY. Which option works best for you?

[mark vote plan in Survey Question above, or move to Vol Ask if still not sure].

[IF EV] Awesome! Early voting is a great option. Do you know where your early voting location is? When the election is a bit closer, you can go to MyTexasVotes.com to find your nearest early vote location. I can repeat the website if you’d like to write it down.

[IF EDAY] I’m glad to hear you’re planning to vote! If you’re able, we strongly recommend that folks vote early -- this ensures that if something comes up on Election Day, you’ve already had a chance to vote. What do you think?

When the election is a bit closer, you can go to MyTexasVotes.com to find your nearest polling location. I can repeat the website if you’d like to write it down.

[IF VBM] Great! We’ll put you on the list for the Texas Democrats to send you a Vote By Mail application. After you receive the application, you’ll need to sign it, and mail it back in. A few weeks before the election, you should receive your ballot in the mail. Do you have any questions?

Survey Question: Can we count on you to volunteer?





[IF VOL YES] Amazing! Thanks so much for your interest in volunteering. We’ll reach out by text or phone in the next few weeks. In the meantime, if you’d like to start volunteering right away you can visit https://www.mobilize.us/texasdemocrats/ and find an event near you.

[IF VOL NO] I understand. We’ll reach out down the line and see if you’re interested. In the meantime, you can visit https://www.mobilize.us/texasdemocrats/ to find community or volunteer events near you.

Thanks for your time today, it was nice talking to you. Have a great rest of your day!

Survey Question: What issues are of particular importance to you as a voter this year?

Abortion Access

Health Care/Medicaid

Crim. Justice Reform



Immigrant Rights

Housing Affordability

FIx the Power Grid



Racial Inequity

Protect VotingRights


Stop Gun Violence

Improving Education

Disability Rights

Other - Local Issue

Other - Social Issue


What is the voter's preferred communication language? [DO NOT ASK EVERY VOTER; ONLY RECORD IF RELEVANT]











*2021-2022 TDP Script - Low Propensity Dems

Hi, is [voter name] available?

Hi, [voter name]! My name is _____. I’m a volunteer with _____ and talking to voters about the 2022 election. How are you doing today?

The 2022 election is going to be one of the most critical elections in our lifetime, and we want to ensure every single voter turns out to support the Democratic Party's plan to build a fairer and more equitable Texas.

Survey Question: Can we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?

1 - Strong Democrat

2 - Lean Democrat

3 - Undecided

4 - Lean GOP

5 - Strong GOP

Ticket Splitter

Ticket Splitter - D

Ticket Splitter - R

3rd P/Independent

[Continue conversation if 1, 2, or Ticket Splitter - D; Otherwise, end the conversation.]

This is a pivotal election for Texas Democrats. We have to do everything we can if we're going to elect Democrats across the state, so we need you to turn out and help us elect bold new leadership in Texas.

Survey Question: What is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?    

Will vote,no plan

Early Vote
Election Day

Req VBM - 65+

Req VBM - Disbaility


Req VBM - jail


Not voting

Survey Question: How motivated are you to vote in the November 2022 election?

Extremely motivated

Very motivated

Somewhat motivated

Not that motivated

Not at all motivated

Thanks so much for making a plan to vote!

Electing Democrats across the state will be an immense undertaking, and we need your help ensuring folks turn out to vote.

Survey Question: Can we count on you to volunteer?






Survey Question: Do you want to become deputized to register voters in your county?    




Current VDR    

Thank you for your time and I appreciate the conversation. Have a great day!

*2021-2022 TDP Script - Uncertain Partisanship

Hi, is [voter name] available?

Hi, [voter name]! My name is _____. I’m talking to people in the community about the 2022 election. How are you doing today?

The 2022 election is going to be one of the most critical elections in our lifetime, and we are out here talking to voters like you about the Democratic Party's plan to build a fairer and more equitable Texas.

Survey Question: Can we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?

1 - Strong Democrat

2 - Lean Democrat

3 - Undecided

4 - Lean GOP

5 - Strong GOP

Ticket Splitter

Ticket Splitter - D

Ticket Splitter - R

3rd P/Independent

[Continue conversation if 1, 2, or Ticket Splitter - D; If 3, continue below. Otherwise, end the conversation.]

[If 3] I understand - who you vote for is a huge decision, and there is a lot on the line this year. I’m supporting Democrats because … [state why you’re supporting Democrats. Some examples: COVID response, education, local issues (parks/roads]

Do you have any questions about what Texas Democrats are fighting for? [answer to the best of your ability]

Great! We'd love to learn more about the issues that are most important to you this election.

Survey Question:What issues are of particular importance to you as a voter this year?

Abortion Access

Health Care/Medicaid
Crim. Justice Reform
Immigrant Rights

Housing Affordability
FIx the Power Grid
Racial Inequity
Protect VotingRights
Stop Gun Violence
Improving Education

Disability Rights
Other - Local Issue
Other - Social Issue


Survey Question: How motivated are you to vote in the November 2022 election?

Extremely motivated

Very motivated

Somewhat motivated

Not that motivated

Not at all motivated

This is a pivotal election for our state. We have to do everything we can if we're going to end the one-party control over Texas. We need you to join in the fight and help us elect bold new leadership for our state.

Survey Question: Can we count on you to volunteer?





Thank you for your time and I appreciate the conversation. Have a great day!