MyVoters vs. MyCampaign

MyVoters and MyCampaign are the two main databases, commonly referred to as tabs, within VAN

What are the differences between MyVoters and MyCampaign?    1

What are the similarities between MyVoters and MyCampaign?    1

Walkthrough of MyCampaign    2

Using MyCampaign    2

Uploading People into MyCampaign    3

Processing Volunteers in MyCampaign    4

What are the differences between MyVoters and MyCampaign?


  • MyVoters is mostly populated by the official voter file from the Texas Secretary of State, which is updated every time there is an election

  • There is also survey question data that is collected throughout the cycle and from past cycles

  • Essentially, MyVoters is for voter contact


  • MyCampaign is for event management, volunteer management, and recruiting

  • All of the people who are interested in your campaign and taking action with you are in this coordinated database

  • This is the tab where you would put potential volunteers, people who have said yes to volunteering, and people who show up to your events or who you try to get to your events

  • Events will only show up in the MyCampaign tab, not MyVoters

What are the similarities between MyVoters and MyCampaign?

  • Both have ways to make data private

  • There is some overlap or data flows in between the two, such as when you are scheduling someone for an event when phone banking

    • For example, while you will use MyVoters when phone banking, event information will get pushed over to the MyCampaign side

Walkthrough of MyCampaign

Making sure you are in MyCampaign

  • If “My Campaign” isn’t highlighted in orange, you will want to click it

  • Options on the sidebar will be very similar to MyVoters - you can create a list, look up folks, and otherwise interact with constituents

  • Creating a list is just like in MyVoters

  • You can use MyCampaign as a CRM (contact relationship management system) to manage your volunteers 

  • How to use it:

    • Store volunteer and contact information

    • Track their engagement and volunteer history

    • Seamlessly integrate that with their voter profiles

  • What you can do with it:

    • Set up a phone bank to recruit volunteers to come block walk

    • Send text messages to supporters to come to a rally 

MyCampaign also has features to facilitate managing your volunteers:

  • Recruit volunteers (active volunteers, lapsed volunteers, and hot leads)

  • Track volunteer activity (view event shifts, contact history, and all reports)

You can manage volunteers through “Volunteer Management” under Main Menu

Using MyCampaign

How can you update your MyCampaign database?

  • Pull from MyVoters

  • Event sign-ups

    • Adding past sign-in sheets

    • Using Mobilize America moving forward

  • Work with your County Party!

Connecting MyCampaign with Mobilize America

  • Mobilize America is our online events platform that gives you the ability to add events and promote events across organizations

  • Mobilize America syncs with VAN, so if you create an event or sign up for an event in Mobilize America it will automatically be shown in MyCampaign as well

    • Note that API integration must be set up for information to sync (you can ask your VAN committee admin if this has been set up)

Connecting MyCampaign with Hustle

  • Hustle is another digital organizing tool that can be connected to MyCampaign

  • Hustle facilitates communication via text message with voters, volunteers, etc.

    • For example, you can use MyCampaign to cut a list of people who have attended events in the past, send it to Hustle, and then all of those people will receive an invitation

    • If your message includes a link to an event sign up through a Mobilize America page, people can mark their attendance, and it will go back to MyCampaign, so all of these tools are interrelated

Uploading People into MyCampaign

You can move people into MyCampaign using MyVoters, bulk upload, mobilize and other integrations

  • Copy from my voters - list

    • Create a list (e.g., of people who responded to a specific survey question)

    • Click “copy”

  • Copy from my voters - individual

    • Open individual (e.g., through quick lookup or clicking from the list)

    • Click “Add to My Campaign”

  • Bulk upload

    • Click “Bulk Upload Wizard” under Data Entry in the menu on the left

  • Select upload type:

    • VANID - You have the voter’s VAN ID

    • Load New People into Process Volunteers - Load volunteers

    • Load New People Directly - Loads people, not necessarily volunteers

    • Load Data with contribution ID

  • Mobilize

    • If you have your Mobilize VAN API key setup, attendees will automatically populate in your MyCampaign

    • If you are not sure whether or not that API key is set up, please contact your VAN Admin (likely county party chair for a county or campaign manager for a campaign)

  • Other integrations

    • In additions to Mobilize, there are several other platforms that have MyCampaign integrations, such as Blue State Digital, Hustle, and Ballot Ready

    • These typically require a fee and a setup with that organization - you should reach out to your partners directly to see if they offer VAN integrations

Processing Volunteers in MyCampaign

What is processing volunteers?

  • When you bulk upload into MyCampaign it will attempt to match volunteers to existing voters

  • If it can’t do the match automatically, it will put them in a process volunteers queue

    • These volunteers have to be processed manually

  • It’s important to process volunteers so that we have as much information about all of our voters as possible

How to process volunteers:

  • The first thing you will need to do is click “Process Volunteers” on your home screen

  • From there, volunteers will appear one by one, and you will see several options of people with the same name

  • You will then need to try and recognize the one you know, and there are multiple ways to go about this

    • You can click “Search my Voter File” on the right side of your screen if you know certain information about the person that would help with identification, such as their address

    • You can click “Update My Campaign Database” if you want to link the MyCampaign person on top with one of the voters on the bottom

    • You can click “Skip this Person” if you clearly don’t have enough information to identify who it is or want someone else to be able to take a look later

    • You can click “Reject this Person” if you know you will never be able to match this person, as there would be no values adding them to MyCampaign

You can click “Add this Person to MyCampaign” if none of the voters seem to match, but you want to retain this contact information in the MyCampaign database