Merging Duplicates in MyCampaign

Overview of DeDuper Tool

The Duplicates tool allows you to merge records in MyCampaign on certain criteria. Merging duplicates should be done on a regular basis to keep records up to date. 

The Duplicates tool can be accessed after creating a list in MyCampaign. 

Using DeDuper

Creating Your Search

To search for duplicate records and clean your whole database choose “All Person Records”. To clean only your active list select “The Active My List”. Then, select the search criteria that you want to search by. Most often this will be at least first and last name. Adding address, phone number and email as criteria can also be useful to increase the likelihood of finding true duplicate records. 

Merging Duplicates

Once you select your search criteria, selecting “Search” will bring you to your first duplicate record. This page will note which record is marked as the primary record. 

  • Selecting “Merge”, will add any information that is on the non primary record to the primary record. If there are any conflicts in contact information the information on the primary record will be kept. 

  • Categories “phone” , “address”, and “email” allow for multiple pieces of information to exist together, with one phone number, address, or email being marked as primary or preferred after a merge.

  • If a record is not a duplicate you can use “Mark as Not Duplicate” to proceed to the next record. Duplicates can only be merged two at a time. If a person has multiple duplicate records you will need to merge them with the primary record one by one.