Google Sheets - VAN Integration for Bulk Upload and Export
VAN’s new Google Sheets integration allows users to share data in any location and to import external data into their records. This feature can be found in the Bulk Upload and Export functions.
Bulk Upload
You can now upload a new file from your Google Sheets to VAN by using Bulk Upload.
Be sure your file has a VANID/VUID/County File ID/NGP ID in the first column of your sheet. You will need to select which ID type you will be uploading at the very beginning.
Enter the URL of your Google Sheets and name your import file. We recommend that you check both First Row and Advanced boxes.
Click Upload and allow VAN permission to access the Google account that your Sheets is in.
Notes: Make sure the first column in your file contains only numeric VanIDs or VUIDs. Otherwise, the file will not load or you will get unmatched people.
Once the file is loaded into VAN, you will be able to proceed with normal Bulk Upload functions.
You can now export a file from VAN to Google Sheets by using Bulk Upload.
Once you select Google Sheet, grant VAN permission to the Google Drive that you want your file export to.
Once done, check your Google Sheets to make sure that the file downloaded properly.