Bulk Uploads

Quickly upload .csv, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx files into VAN

How do I upload a list of voters into VAN?    1

How do I upload a list of voters into VAN using Google Sheets?    2

What are the Bulk Upload mapping fields?    3

What should I make sure to upload if I have phone / text responses    3

I have a list of people in my neighborhood that I want to mark as D / R / with a particular activist code in VAN - how do I bulk upload them?    4

I have questions about ThruTalk Bulk Upload    4

How do I upload a list of voters into VAN?

  • Navigate to the bulk upload section in VAN

  • Prepare your upload file

    • Your upload file must be a google sheet, .csv, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx

    • Have van / votebuilder id or state file id (VUID) in the first column

    • Be labeled with column headers

  • Be sure your file has a VANID/VUID/County File ID/NGP ID in the first column of your sheet. You will need to select which ID type you will be uploading at the very beginning.

  • Upload data by going to “Load Data” > “Run Bulk Uploads” > “Upload a New File” > load data with State File ID or Voter File VANID or County File ID> Next > Select the .csv, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx > follow the instructions (uncheck the headers checkbox if your list doesn’t have headers, mapping template “no” or “saved,” check or leave unchecked “Advanced”) > “Upload”

  • In My Campaign, you have more options than in My Voters to load voters:

    • “Load New People Directly” allows users to add new records to the database and does not require an ID in the first column to match to an existing record. However, if you do include My Campaign IDs in the first column this will help make an explicit match to existing persons and prevent the creation of duplicate records. The automatch to My Voters will occur at this point if possible.

    • "Load new people into Process Volunteers" also allows you to add new records, but requires users to manually match each record to process them—not automatch. This can be time-consuming for larger files. The process volunteers queue is available from the main menu. From here users can add, skip, or reject records in the upload file one at a time. This is also the only way to map to fields via bulk upload (see below on “What are the Bulk Upload mapping fields?”.

  • Next you will see a screen that rejects some voters

    • You can choose to save the rejected voters in a file

    • It is likely some are rejected because they do not exist on the state voter file in VAN. Why?

      • Because they don't make it through the processing of County Registration to SoS to TDP to DNC to VAN for a technical reason

      • This is a new or updated voter that didn’t exist in districting/geography at the time the last voter file was downloaded from the SoS

  • From there you will be taken to the mapping screen

    • Select the “Apply New Mapping” “Save as Saved List” (saves a list of these voters)> list accessible in the chosen folder as well as in “My Saved List” row in “Create a New List” once you hit next and the records are 100% processed on the administer bulk uploads screen

    • For details on how to map see below

How do I upload a list of voters into VAN using Google Sheet?

What are the Bulk Upload mapping fields?

  • You can map several different types of fields back to the voter file, including those listed below in My Campaign

  • You can map several different types of fields back to the voter file, including those listed below in My Voters

What should I make sure to upload if I have phone / text responses

  • Make sure you upload the phone number so your contact result will be associated with a phone number

I have a list of people in my neighborhood that I want to mark as D / R / with a particular activist code in VAN - how do I bulk upload them?

  • Consolidate your data - Make a copy of this template, and enter data back into this template

    • You can get the VAN ID through quick lookup or from exporting a list from VAN

  • Download your data entered into the template as csv to local machine 

  • Bulk upload into VAN

    • Map the voter ids back into the XCmty Dem Slate survey question

    • If you are uploading into an Activist Code you will need to split the file to one file per activist code

    • Map contact type as appropriate.  For contact that is inferred (e.g., yard sign, word of mouth, someone you know from book club but didn’t directly ask question of) use No actual contact

I have questions about ThruTalk Bulk Upload