2023ActionXCmtyYardSignWould you like a yard sign?Requested YS, Delivered YS, Existing YS, Opponent YS, Special Note See Req, 2nd Yard Sign Req, Cancelled YS ReqMSQ23: Yard Sign2/28/2023
2023CandidateXCmtyNonpartCandWill you support this nonpartisan candidate?1 - Strong Support, 2- Lean Support, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean Against, 5 - Strong Against
MSQ23: NonpartCand
2023RegistrationXCmty Req VBM AppCan we send you an application to vote by mail in the 2023 elections?Yes - 65+, Yes - Disability, Yes - out of County, Yes - Jail, Already req. VBM, No - voting early, No - voting ED, Not Voting, UnsureMSQ23: Vote Plan4/12/2023
2023VolunteerXCmtyPriv VolCan we invite you to volunteer opportunities for this campaign?Yes, No, Maybe, LaterMSQ23: Priv Vol2/28/2023
2024ActionXCmty ElectionWorkerWould you be willing to serve as an election worker for an upcoming election?Yes, Later/Future Elect, No12/8/2023
2024ActionXCmty Motivated2VoteHow motivated are you to vote in the November 2024 election?Extremely Motivated, Very Motivated, Somewhat Motivated, Not That Motivated, Not at all motivated
MSQ24: VoteMotivation
2024ActionXCmty NovCC AskHave you heard about the upcoming election for your City Council seat this November?Yes, Maybe, No, Not Sure12/8/2023
2024ActionXCmty VotePlan 03/24Can we count on you to vote in the March 2024 Democratic Primary?Will Vote - No Plan, Yes - Early, Yes - Election Day, Voting By Mail, Unsure, Not Voting
MSQ24: MarchVotePlan
2024ActionXCmty VotePlan 23-24What is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?Will Vote - No Plan, Yes - Early, Yes - Election Day, Voting By Mail, Unsure, Not Voting
MSQ23: Priv VotePlan
2024IssueXCmty Issue - EconWhat ECONOMIC issues are most important to you as a voter this year?Paid Family Leave, Small Business, Social Secuirty Prot, Taxes, Wall Street Reform, Infrstructure, OtherMSQ24: Issue Pref12/8/2023
2024IssueXCmty Issue - Edu.What EDUCATION issues are most important to you as a voter this year?Improving Schools, Increase Teacher Pay, Literacy, Stop Gun Violence, Student Loans, Vouchers, OtherMSQ24: Issue Pref12/8/2023
2024IssueXCmty Issue - HealthWhat HEALTH CARE issues are most important to you as a voter this year?AfforadbleHealthCare, COVID-19, Medicaid Expansion, Medicare Expansion, Paid Family Leave, VA Reform, Womens Health, Universal Healthcare, OtherMSQ24: Issue Pref12/8/2023
2024IssueXCmty Issues - LocalWhat LOCAL ISSUE/SAFETY issues are most important to you as a voter this year?BackgroundChecksGuns, Bike Lanes, Code Compliance, Drainage & Flooding, Firefighters/EMS, Libraries, Parks/Trails, Police Reform, Pro-Gun/2A, Revitalize Downtown, Speed Humps/Traffic, Stop Gun Violence, Streets & Sidewalks, Transportation, Other, Fix the Power GridMSQ24: Issue Pref12/8/2023
2024IssueXCmty Issues - SociaWhat SOCIAL/RACIAL JUSTICE issues are most important to you as a voter this year?Abortion Access, Against Abortion, Animal Rights, Black Lives Matter, Campaign Fin. Reform, Defund Police, Justice Reform, Legalize Marijuana, LGBTQIA+ Rights, Racial Equality, Stop Gun Violence, Voting Rights, Womens Rights, OtherMSQ24: Issue Pref12/8/2023
2024IssueXCmty Issues PrefWhat issues are of particular importance to you as a voter this year?Abortion Access, Against Abortion, AffordableHealthCare, Affordable Housing, Animal Rights, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change, Defund Police, Disability Rights, Economy/Job Creation, Education, Fix the Power Grid, Fund Public Schools, Immigration, Infrastructure, Increase Teacher Pay, Justice Reform, Legalize Marijuana, LGBTQIA+ Rights, Local Issue/Safety, Medicare/Medicaid, Paid Family Leave, Pro-Gun/2A, Racial Equality, Social Security, Stop Gun Violence, Student Loans, Taxes, Transportation, VA Reform, Voting Rights, Vouchers, Womens RightsMSQ24: Issue Pref4/12/2023
2024PartyXCmty Dem SupportCan we count on you to support Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming election?1 - Strong Democrat, 2 - Lean Democrat, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean GOP, 5 - Strong GOP, Ticket Splitter, Ticket Splitter - D, Ticket Splitter - R, 3rd P/IndependentMSQ24: D Ticket ID4/12/2023
2024PartyXCmty DemSupp: shortAre you interested in helping Democrats win in future elections?Yes - Democrat, Undecided, No - RepublicanMSQ24: D Ticket ID12/8/2023
2024PartyXCmty PartyHistoryIn general, do you vote for Democratic candidates, Republican candidates, or a mix of the two?Always Democrats, Mostly Democrats, Even mix of the two, Mostly Republicans, Always Republicans, Other/3rd PartyMSQ24: D Ticket ID12/8/2023
2024RegistrationXCmty 2024 VDRIs this person a VDR?Yes11/14/2023
2024RegistrationXCmty Rcvd VBMApp24Have you received your mail-ballot request form?Yes, No, UnsureMSQ24: Vote Plan12/8/2023
2024RegistrationXCmty Rtrn VBMApp24Have you filled in and mailed back your Mail Ballot Request Form for the 2024 election cycle?Yes, No, No - voting early, No - voting EDay, Other - Already ReqMSQ24: Vote Plan12/8/2023
2024RegistrationXCmty VBM Ballot 24Have you received your Vote by Mail Ballot yet?Yes - mailed ballot, Yes - received, No - not received, No - vote in person, No - never sent app, Voted in PersonMSQ24: Vote Plan12/8/2023
2024VolunteerXCmty 2024 Vol AskCan we count on you to volunteer?Yes, No, Maybe, LaterMSQ24: Public Vol12/8/2023
2024VolunteerXCmty VDR County 24In which county are you deputized to register voters?(ALL 254 COUNTIES)12/8/2023
2024VolunteerXCmty VolDepRegAskDo you want to become deputized to register voters in your county?Yes, No, Maybe, Current VDRMSQ24: Public Vol12/8/2023