2023ActionMSQ23: BallotPetWill you sign this candidate's petition to appear on the ballot?Yes, No
2023CandidateMSQ23: NonpartCandWill you support this nonpartisan candidate?1 - Strong Support, 2 - Lean Support, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean Against, 5 - Strong Against
2023VolunteerMSQ23: Priv VolCan we invite you to volunteer opportunities for this campaign?Yes, No, Maybe/Later
2023ActionMSQ23: Priv VotePlanWhat is your plan to vote for this candidate?Will Vote - No Plan, Early Vote, Election Day, Voting By Mail, Unsure, Not Voting
2023ActionMSQ23: Vote PlanWhat is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?Will Vote - No Plan, Early Vote, Election Day, VBM - 65+, VBM - Disability, VBM - OOC, VBM - jail, Unsure, Not Voting, Received VBM App, Returned VBM App, Sent VBM App by TDP, Received Ballot, Returned Ballot
2023ActionMSQ23: Yard SignWould you like a yard sign to support this campaign?Requested YS
2024ActionMSQ24: BallotPetWill you sign this candidate's petition to appear on the ballot?Yes, No
2024PartyMSQ24: D Ticket IDCan we count on you to vote for the Democratic Ticket?1 - Strong Democrat, 2 - Lean Democrat, 3 - Undecided, 3rd P/Independent, 4 - Lean GOP, 5 - Strong GOP, Ticket Splitter, Ticket Splitter - D, Ticket Splitter - R
2024CandidateMSQ24: DemNomi IDWill you support this Democratic candidate?1 - Strong Support, 2 - Lean Support, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean GOP, 5 - Strong GOP, Other/3rd Party
2024CandidateMSQ24: DemPrimary IDWill you support this candidate in a Democratic Primary?1 - Strong Support, 2 - Lean Support, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean Other D, 5 - Strong Other D, VotingGOPPrimary
2024IssueMSQ24: Issue PrefWhat issue is most important to you as a voter?AffordableHealthCare, Affordable Housing, Animal Rights, BackgroundChecksGuns, Bike Lanes, Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, Campaign Fin. Reform, Code Compliance, Climate Change, Defund Police, Disability Rights, Drainage & Flooding, Economy/Job Creation, Education, Environment, Firefighters/EMS, Fund Public Schools, Health Care, Immigration, Improving Schools, Infrastructure, Increase Teacher Pay, Justice Reform, LGBTQIA+ Rights, Legalize Marijuana, Libraries, Literacy, Local Issue/Safety, Medicaid Expansion, Medicare Expansion, Other, Paid Family Leave, Parks/Trails, Police Protection, Pro-Gun/2A, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Racial Equality, Revitalize Downtown, Small Business, Social Security, Social/RacialJustice, Speed Humps/Traffic, Stop Gun Violence, Streets & Sidewalks, Student Loans, Fix the Power Grid, Taxes, Transportation, Universal Healthcare, VA Reform, Voting Rights, Vouchers, Wall Street Reform, Women’s Rights
2024ActionMSQ24: MarchVotePlanCan we count on you to be a voter in the March 2024 primary?Will Vote - No Plan, Yes - Early, Yes - Election Day, Voting By Mail, Unsure, Not Voting
2024CandidateMSQ24: NonpartCandWill you support this nonpartisan candidate?1 - Strong Support, 2 - Lean Support, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Lean Against, 5 - Strong Against
2024VolunteerMSQ24: Priv VolCan we invite you to volunteer opportunities for this campaign?Maybe/later, No, Yes
2024ActionMSQ24: Priv VotePlanWhat is your plan to vote for this candidate?Will Vote - No Plan, Early Vote, Election Day, Voting By Mail, Unsure, Not Voting
2024VolunteerMSQ24: Public VolCan we count on you to volunteer?Maybe/later, No, Yes
2024ActionMSQ24: Vote PlanWhat is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?Will Vote - No Plan, Early Vote, Election Day, VBM - 65+, VBM - Disability, VBM - OOC, VBM - jail, Voting by Mail, Unsure, Not Voting, Received VBM App, Not Received VBM App, UnsureIfRcvd VBM App, Returned VBM App, Not Returned VBM App, Mailed Ballot, Received Ballot, Not received ballot
2024ActionMSQ24: Yard SignWould you like a yard sign to support this campaign?Requested YS
2024ActionMSQ24:VoteMotivationHow motivated are you to participate in the 2024 election?Not That Motivated, Somewhat Motivated, Very Motivated
2024RegistrationNCOA - 2024Do you need to update your voter registration?Needs to update, Already registered, Registered by VDR, Reg. on RegisterTX, Doesnt want to reg, Requested Mail Form