MiniVAN AutoCommit
MiniVAN Canvasser Activity Report
Reviewing Mini VAN Data 3
Rolling Back MiniVAN Data 4
Starting September 2024, MiniVAN data will be automatically committed, meaning that you won’t need to manually commit your data anymore. This change is meant to improve VoteBuilder performance during GOTV, to save organizers time, and to reduce the amount of MiniVAN data that goes uncommitted.
MiniVAN data will be auto-committed every 30 minutes — if you need to remove committed data, please consult with an administrator (profiles 1+ through 4). There are 2 new reports that have been introduced to give you more insight into your MiniVAN data.
MiniVAN Activity Report
The MiniVAN Activity Report shows synced MiniVAN canvasser data, including Canvasser, Attempts, Doors, Canvassed, Contact Rate, and Status (Committed or Pending).
MiniVAN Canvasser Activity Report
The MiniVAN Canvasser Activity Report shows canvass data for each canvasser (Name, Address, Contact Result, Date Canvassed, List Name, and Status for each canvassed record) and can be accessed by clicking on the number of Attempts in the MiniVAN Activity Report.
Reviewing Minivan Data
Here are some things to consider when reviewing your miniVAN canvass report and deciding whether data should be rolled back:
Contact rate - We typically see a contact rate of 10% - 30%
Contact rate will vary depending on the day, time, area and the list of targeted voters
If you see a contact rate close to 100%, it is likely the Canvasser didn’t actually talk to all of those people. In this case, you would want to have a conversation with that particular canvasser before committing the data.
Time between the doors - If all 100 doors were hit in the same two two-minutes, it is likely that the canvasser was sitting in a coffee shop. If there is space of 2 - 4 minutes between doors, the person probably actually went from door to door.
If the contact rate is low, but the timestamps are quick, you may want that canvasser to knock louder (and ring a bell) multiple times and / or wait longer at doors to give time for voters to open the door.
Logical address order - When someone is canvassing, they will knock on doors in a pattern that will resemble a line
You might see exceptions for very rural areas, especially when driving between doors
Households of targeted voters receive appropriate canvass result - Canvassers should only apply survey responses to the survey questions answered by the targeted voter (e.g. If they knock on a three-voter door and one voter answers, one of the voters answers a survey question, but the other two voters should be marked not home)
If they did not and mark everyone with the same response, they can change the other responses that should be “not home” on MiniVAN to correct the error
This holds the same households with multiple targeted voters with no response: If an address is attempted, then all targeted voters should receive a canvass result (e.g. If they knock on a three-voter door and no one answers, all three should be marked not home.)
Rolling Back MiniVAN Data
Users with permission levels 1-4 (Admin, Deputy Admin, Field Deputy, Organizer), will have the ability to roll back any MiniVAN data that may be incorrect.
Any user that could previously commit data will now be able to roll data back retroactively.
Getting started
Search MiniVAN Activity Report in your search bar
Select the committee for your report
Loading your report should bring a screen similar to the following for your committee:
Click “Report Actions” in the top right corner of the page and select “Roll back MiniVAN Commits”
Type in ROLLBACK to confirm your rollback.
You will see the following indicating your rollback is underway: