2024 Mail Ballot Application 

Prime and Chase Phone Bank Scripts

Application Prime

*2024 General VBM Program App Recipient: PRIME Script

1.  Text

Hi, is <voter name> available?

We’re calling voters today about the upcoming November election. I’m sure you’ve heard that the election is coming up soon – and this is truly the most important election in Texas history.

Continue to Step 2

2.  Survey Question: XCmty Dem Support CA

Can we count on you to support Colin Allred and Democrats up and down the ballot?

  1. 1 - Strong Democrat

  2. 2 - Lean Democrat

  3. 3 - Undecided

  4. 4 - Lean GOP

  5. 5 - Strong GOP

  6. Ticket Splitter

  7. Ticket Splitter - D

  8. Ticket Splitter - R

  9. 3rd Party/Independent

  1. Continue to Step 3

  2. Continue to Step 3

  3. Continue to Step 9

  4. Continue to Step 9

  5. Continue to Step 9

  6. Continue to Step 9

  7. Continue to Step 3

  8. Continue to Step 9

  9. Continue to Step 9

3.  Text

Great! The Texas Democratic Party has sent you a Vote By Mail application for the 2024 November election since you are eligible to vote by mail. Your Mail Ballot Request Form will come in an envelope labeled Important Election Mail.

Continue to Step 4

4.  Survey Question: XCmty VotePlan 23-24

What is your plan to vote in the upcoming election?

  1. Will vote, no plan

  2. Yes – Early Vote

  3. Yes – Election Day

  4. Yes – Voting by Mail

  5. Unsure

  6. Not voting

  7. No Response/Already Voted

  1. Continue to Step 7

  2. Continue to Step 6 

  3. Continue to Step 6

  4. Continue to Step 5 

  5. Continue to Step 7

  6. Continue to Step 7

  7. Continue to Step 9

5.  Text (IF Voting by Mail)

Great! Your Mail Ballot Request Form should arrive within the next week or so. When you get the application, be sure to add both (a) your Driver License number or DPS ID-number AND (b) the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. Also, include your phone number and email address (if you have one) so the elections office can reach you if they have any questions.


We recommend returning your request form right away. All applications must arrive in the elections office no later than Friday, October 25th.

Continue to Step 8

6. Text (IF Yes - Early or Yes - Election Day)

Voting in person is a great option, too! We suggest planning to vote during early voting to avoid long lines. Early Voting begins October 21st and ends on November 1st.

Continue to Step 8

7.  Text (IF Will vote, no plan or Unsure or Not voting)

We hope you’ll join your neighbors and vote in this election.Your mail ballot request form makes it easy to apply for a mail ballot and vote from the comfort of your home. 

If you have any questions about voting, you can always call our Voter Assistance Hotline at 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837). You can also find the number for the Hotline on your request form. Have a good rest of your day!

End call

8.  Text

Thank you for being a reliable voter.


If you have any questions about voting, you can always call: 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837). Have a good rest of your day!

End call

9.  Text

Thanks for taking a moment to talk to me today. Have a nice rest of your day!

End call

VBM Application Chase

  1. Text

Hi, is <voter name> available?

Hi, <voter name>! My name is _____ and I’m a volunteer with the Texas Democratic Party. I’m calling to follow up about the Vote By Mail application we mailed you recently.

How are you doing today?

Continue to step 2

  1. Survey Question: XCmty Dem Support CA

Can we count on you to support Colin Allred and Democrats up and down the ballot?

  1. 1 - Strong Democrat

  2. 2 - Lean Democrat

  3. 3 - Undecided

  4. 4 - Lean GOP

  5. 5 - Strong GOP

  6. Ticket Splitter

  7. Ticket Splitter - D

  8. Ticket Splitter - R

  9. 3rd P/Independent

  1. Continue to step 3

  2. Continue to step 3

  3. Continue to step 9

  4. Continue to step 9

  5. Continue to step 9

  6. Continue to step 9

  7. Continue to step 3

  8. Continue to step 9

  9. Continue to step 9

  1. Text

Great! The Texas Democratic Party has sent you a Vote By Mail application for the 2024 election since you are eligible to vote by mail.

Continue to step 4

  1. Survey Question: XCmty Rcvd VBMApp24

Have you received your mail-ballot request form?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Unsure

  1. Continue to step 6

  2. Continue to step 5 

  3. Continue to step 5

  1. Text

No worries. You can also request that we mail you an application from our website. I can give you the link now, let me know when you’re ready to write it down. 

txdem.co/vbmrequest (that’s T-X-D-E-M dot C-O, not dot com, slash V-B-M-R-E-Q-U-E-S-T)

Continue to step 10

  1. Survey Question: XCmty Rtrn VBMApp24

Have you filled in and mailed back your Mail Ballot Request Form for the 2024 election cycle?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Planning to vote Early

  4. Planning to vote Election Day

  1. Continue to step 8

  2. Continue to step 7

  3. Continue to step 9

  4. Continue to step 9

  1. Text

When you fill that out, state law requires you to include your driver’s license or state ID number on the application, if you have one. Please don’t forget to do that!

There’s also a place for the last four digits of your Social Security Number – we’d suggest including both your ID number and the last four of your Social just to be safe and avoid any issues. (But if you don’t have a DPS ID, just include the last 4 of your Social.)

We’re encouraging everyone to send in their application as soon as possible, so your mail ballot has plenty of time to reach you before Election Day. Will you be able to mail your application this week?

Continue to step 10

  1. Text

That’s great to hear – thanks for letting me know. You can track the status of your mail ballot application and your ballot at: txdem.co/vbmstatus (that’s T-X-D-E-M dot C-O, not dot com, slash V-B-M-S-T-A-T-U-S)

If you have any questions about voting, you can always call our Voter Assistance Hotline at 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837). 

You can find a list of frequently asked questions to help answer basic questions at:  txdem.co/vbm-faq 

Continue to step 10

  1. Text

Thanks for letting me know. Have a nice rest of your day!

End call

  1. Text

Thank you for your time, it was nice talking to you. Have a good rest of your day!

End call

FAQs: txdem.co/vbm-faq